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I had a moment about two years ago where I knew I'm supposed to be doing voiceover.

But for context, let me go a little further back.

I have been doing voiceover in some capacity for about 20 years. Probably more if you count all the spots I voiced while working in radio. After the pandemic and getting laid off, I decided (well, wife and I decided) that I would pursue voiceover as my full-time career.

After a brief daliance with doing a streaming 'radio show' for about a year I finally decided to go all-in on voiceover.

Things were going okay for a while but I wasn't at a point where it was 'well, I've completely replaced my old income now!'

With my wife working full-time from home I was presented with an opportunity to work with a local company that has some overlap with my voiceover.

I went and interviewed with the company. It was an interesting proposition that would provide steady income and POSSIBLY allow me to do voiceover but not like if I was home full-time. I'd be 9-5'ing ish it with limited access to voiceover auditions while at the job. Plus, there's the whole 'kid take to school/pickup' stuff. You know, life-stuff!

Aside from the steady income, this job opportunity was not a super ideal situation for me. It wasn't a 'no' on the job but it wasn't a resounding 'yes!'

I was kind of on the fence with it.

But then the moment came....

Literally when I got home from the interview, I opened the mail to find a residual/renewal check for a commercial I voiced through one of my agencies.

If this wasn't a sign, I don't know what was.

Within minutes of opening that envelope with the check I knew that voiceover, FULL-TIME voiceover, was what I needed to focus on.

Now, I'm not much of a 'it's fate' or 'it's a sign!' type of guy but, man, the timing of that check coming couldn't have been any more perfect.

This was the moment I realized that I'm a full-time voiceover and THAT'S exactly what I should be doing.


© 2025 Moose Warywoda