You're doing too much.
No, really.
It seems like we all think we can take on everything that has to be in our purview.
But mostly, we're failing.
Multi-tasking is a falacy. It's something we tell ourselves to make up for the singular things that we SHOULD be doing but aren't taking the time to do it.
Or maybe it's ...
DEF: The act or practice of abruptly cutting off all contact with someone (such as a former romantic partner) usually without explanation by no longer accepting or responding to phone calls, instant messages, etc.
Probably one of the worst words I've ever heard outside of 'nepotism.' I hate....HATE ...
I'm sure you know what the "POS" stands for!
So there's a red Chevy Blazer that always drives by around 230/3pm on my street.
Why is this notable you ask?
Well, it's mostly because this Blazer is ALWAYS cranking the most bassiest of bass music you've ever heard.
Whether the dead cold of winter or the blazing ...