Tag: GSD

"No please, no more!"
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You're doing too much.

No, really.

It seems like we all think we can take on everything that has to be in our purview.

But mostly, we're failing.

Multi-tasking is a falacy. It's something we tell ourselves to make up for the singular things that we SHOULD be doing but aren't taking the time to do it.

Or maybe it's ...

Back To School
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....Daddy will play...with his VO equipment. As in, he'll be working on vo stuff and doing auditions. Yesterday (August 24, 2022) was the first day of school for my 2 kids. Let me remind you that they haven't been to in-person school since March of 2020 due to the pandemic. Here's some takeaways from that day.

  • I cried the morning before ...
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